Who: A community-wide effort supported by anyone who enjoys the valley; locals, lifers, seasonal or occasional visitors to the valley to help support local businesses and charities.
What: A centralized resource for local brick and mortar and e-commerce businesses based in the Vail Valley to promote offers and products via posts on Instagram, (@ittakesavailvalley) as well as offering specific products whereby a percentage of the cost will be donated to The Community Market. https://eaglevalleycf.org/the-community-market/
Where: Online and retail/restaurants participating by posting and promoting their offerings on social media.
Why: COVID 19 has taken an incredible toll on local businesses and was a community are stronger together, working to create awareness far and wide to support these businesses. Vail Valley needs support not just from locals, but from second homeowners and visitors alike who want to support the restaurants and retailers that symbolize Vail in their minds and hearts.
Next Steps: It takes A Vail Valley will connect with consumer-facing businesses in the valley to promote this initiative. The hope is that each business will use the @ittakesavailvalley feed to promote its offerings and update our community on how to support them. Additionally, #ittakesavailvalley will create specific products, (see below) representing a broad price range whereby the retailer and the most in need residents of our Valley will benefit from selling the products.
Branded Collateral (see below for examples)
Examples of the flags, decals, and hats are below. If interested in learning more, please contact Cynthia Pillsbury
cynthia_pillsbury@mac.com 415-497-0065